Sep 17, 2007


Anonymous said (and isn't it always anonymous saying...?) "i am curious about one thing...why no pictures of maria? she seems a bit absent."

Well, you know, some people just don't like being blogged about that much.

But here, by special permission, just so you don't think she's hiding, is Maria Fabulosa with baby Max (and Jackson the dog)...


Blogger Mandy said...

Your family is so beautiful! I suspect Ms Fabulosa is the strong supportive type that is very content watching you shine. I'm so happy for you.

8:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a beautiful family. That baby is incredibly photogenic!

1:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

just wanted to say thank you for sharing this amazing journey with all of've always been an inspiration and to be able to peek into your real life for a moment and meet your beautiful son is fabulous.... so thanks again!

3:23 PM  
Blogger Ayun Halliday said...

ooh, ariel, late to the party as always, but characteristically thrilled to be here.

congratulations on the birth of this strapping lad. he's got a pretty head!

Welcome to the world, Max! What size do you wear?


6:27 PM  
Blogger Trula said...

Yes it's always anonymous, grrrrr.

having anon issues myself, don't mind me. Maria is lovely, this photo of her and Max is just precious. and Jackson! that doggie nose jutting in, is so cute!

3:54 PM  

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