Sep 12, 2007

the labor issue

Well, this whole sleep-deprivation thing takes some getting used to, huh? Seems more intense the second time around--I mean, who needs sleep when you're 19? But here's something novel: Sometimes Maria gets up to sooth the baby. Nothing like having a partner to make you feel like total slacker mom.

In other news, I finally got the new issue of Hip Mama to the printer. Not sure when it will be ready and heading your way, but it won't be too long now. If you don't already, you really ought to SUBSCRIBE in time to get #38 THE LABOR ISSUE delivered right to your door.

And look! Maia came home to meet her brother...

How cute are they?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh my word, they are beautiful together! he's totally crashed in her arms (gotta love that limp arm hanging newborn style!)

no sleep sucks. glad you have a tag team. hang in! you rock, mama! can't wait to see the new issue

4:58 PM  
Blogger Lides said...

Aren't they sweet!

Ah, the no sleep -- hope that gets better over time.

8:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They are so beautiful!

Congratulations all the way around.

How is Maia doing at college?


10:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a great picture of brother and sister!
I hear you on the whole sleep deprivation thing. No fun at all.

3:35 PM  
Blogger AmyC said...

You never get over the sleep deprivation. I have had two (babies) in two years....unintentionally, but I love them both. Still not sleeping. In fact, I think my body has forgotten how to sleep at night. You will get through it...what a precious baby.

8:46 PM  
Blogger Trula said...

OMG Ariel, that pic is priceless. Beautiful!

1:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i've been waiting for this pic, ariel. wow!! must be amazing for all of you.

4:07 AM  
Blogger Red Pomegranate said...

They are very, very cute. Congrats again. SO looking forward to the labor issue as my own labor comes up! (and yeah, I know it ain't just about birth, just can't wait, you know?)

8:11 PM  
Blogger Karli Del Biondo said...

Love the picture. Can't wait to hear your birth story. --Karli

8:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

congrats on your beautiful kids. i sympathize with the lack of sleep thing, but if you can manage to publish a zine with a baby less than a month old than you can't be doing that badly! i am curious about one thing...why no pictures of maria? she seems a bit absent from your public presentation of this pregnancy and baby.

8:35 PM  
Blogger growthisoptional said...

Now that is a picture that defines beauty!
Mazel Tov!

1:31 PM  
Blogger Terry said...

Your daughter is absolutely beautiful.

9:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, Ariel, he is gorgeous, Maia is gorgeous, life is gorgeous! Many many blessings and big hugs al around.
Love & light, Anais

2:20 PM  
Blogger Jessica said...

Yay, gorgeous family!

2:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holy moly, Ms. Gore. I don't know how you do it all. You're an inspiration to this thirtysomething, who still hopes to give birth to both creative projects and wriggling kiddies in the coming years. Thanks for sharing tales of your success in all its forms.

12:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Max is a lovely baby!

I am so happy for you and the new addition. :)

rock on, mama!


7:19 PM  

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