Aug 7, 2007

38 weeks pregnant

Thirty-eight weeks pregnant and the nasty indigestion is back. Papaya enzymes don't work. Or maybe it would be worse without them. Starving but I can't figure out what to eat. Feeling whiney about the whole thing. A thousand disorganized contractions.

"You make it look so glamorous," Sia says.

I'm inspiring I.U.D.s all over town.

I read stories on the internet about women giving birth on trains, in department stores. I remember the girl who had her baby in the movie theater where I worked when I was a teenager. She didn't seem to know she was pregnant, let alone in labor.

I am all too aware.

I can't go anywhere without someone gasping wide-eyed, "Are you going to have that baby TODAY?"

I recount my strange daily symptoms over nonalcoholic beers and wax nostalgic about how simple my pregnancy with Maia seemed. I think it was because I was a teenager, had that strong teenage body. Maria thinks it had more to do with blissful ignorance. "We are suffering from too much information," she says.

This may be true, but I am also suffering from too much indigestion, too many contractions.

I was born two weeks early. I remind the little sprout of this fact, tell him it's not so bad. You don't have to wait for your due date, I tell him. Still, he waits.

Last week, Maia's friend crashed into Maia's car. The insurance company wants to total it, but they're taking their own sweet time. Not sure how Maia is supposed to get to college. I'd drive her, of course, but the baby is due that day. Not sure which scenario sounds less wise: Driving 1,000 miles 40 weeks pregnant or driving 1,000 miles with a newborn. It's not going to happen.

But I have a new column in Skirt Magazine. Maybe you'll like it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't you just love those people who have to point out how huge you are? I loved my when my kids would rub my belly and say "Mom, the baby is getting soooo big?" I knew I was huge, but that put things into perspective, it was the baby making me so big. Take comfort in knowing that the end of your discomfort is so near.

5:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So happy for you that the time is almost here! Do you have any late-pregnancy pics? Would love to see them!

As for the food-issue... I found that eating tiny amounts helped, no big meals. There just simply isn't enough room! No chocolate, no caffeine, nothing too spicy--don't give your esophagus ANY excuse to want to send it back up!

Also, and this is just from my own experience, make sure you're getting enough water. It may help the indigestion, but more importantly, you really need to stay hydrated. I needed an IV in the hospital and they couldn't find a friggin' vein. Took forever. Helps with any nausea or sickness you might end up with too.

Many happy blessings and cheer on your impending motherhood of Sweet Little Guy. *smile*

6:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey ariel, thanks for linking your article in Skirt.

"But there is no year when a risk doesn't take courage."

that's a good nugget for me to walk away with, so i wanted to say thank you. i love what i read here, and i'm usually such the voyeur but your words brought me out of hiding.

good luck with the papaya enzymes, the car, the next two (or three) weeks, mama! i think it's mind over matter at this point. he'll be here soon.

peace to you and yours.

8:00 PM  
Blogger Terry said...

Hi, Ariel-

I am just about finished with your book, How to Become A Famous Writer Before You're Dead, and I've already recommended it to other future lit stars.

I just love your fun, accessible, unscary writing style, and the way you empower your readers to achieve greatness on their own terms.

Congratulations on your pregnancy. My second wasn't as exciting as the first (been there, done that), and I suffered constant heartburn and being pointed at by dopey strangers. But the little human who resulted fills me with unspeakable pride and happiness.

Will check out your column in Skirt.

8:46 AM  
Blogger Heather A Posey said...

Greetings Ariel:
When you are pregnant, the word hot takes on a whole new meaning doesn't it? I hated pregnancy too, but do love the little toddler I have today, even if she drives me nuts putting the dog in timeout a dozen times a day.
I just finished reading How to Become a Famous Writer Before You're Dead and I have to tell you, this book really gave me a positive kick in the toosh and some serious self confidence. As a result I have set up my blog, and begun mapping out my plan of attack to get my fifty thousand word memoir published. I wanna be a lit star! Thanks a million - you rock.

12:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm just jealous that you're 38 weeks and I'm only 32. Yepper, the heartburn with baby no.2 has been RELENTLESS. I'm trying Betaine HCl next, a fellow doula swears by it. I'm trying to enjoy this pregnancy given that it may (or may not) be my last. "I welcome you oh heartburn! Oh swollen ankles I honor you!"

Hrm. And if that doesn't work there's always Edy's frozen fruit bars and a non-alky beer after work.


6:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kudos on the article. Read it. Loved it.

Hang in there, it'll be over before you know it.

8:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Cathy- email

Where are you having the baby? Is it a boy for sure? i had my girl at 38 weeks.
I know this is a nosy itch question... but why have your fans, those of us on the wings, who read your books and love you from afar, know little?

Is it personal life vs work life? or are there psycho crazies that you need to protect yourself from? Is there a man that there will be further court battles with, or will this amicable (tho, you have family court down like a pro)

I know a lot of ua (fans in Madison from the Sapphire ballroom book signing) wonder how lance died. And how Maia is doing.

Finally- i would explain the situtation to the insurance company to pont up the dough. As well as the fact that now that you are unable to drive, and Maia's transport is dead, she is now liable for the travel costs. When I was in an accident (the one I wrote about) the girl that hit me's insruance had to pay for a rental car for three weeks.

So call the insurance comapny and get them to pay for a rental car for Maia. she'll get to drive something new which will be cool.

Love, Cathy in madison

8:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love what your grandmother said about our core's never changing.

When I got married at 21 in 1995, a friend said the following week "Do you regret that you got married so young?" I could've punched her in the head for saying something so idiotic so soon after my big day.

Time passed, the marriage didn't work out, but if I had to do it all over again, I would. I am who I am at this moment because of the choices I made then.

Happy trails to you!

2:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know how that goes. When I was pregnant we were driving Chicago to Denver and got a ticket in Sterling, CO by a total asshole cop who was insisting we were going 90 when the cruise control was set on 80. Long story short, the court date was set for my due date of course. They said we could change it if we appeared on the court date to say why we couldn't make it. Stupid. Good luck!

3:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Ariel,

Congratulations! You look mahvelous and so does the baby!

I am in Arkansas with my lady Page and we are selling hempen goods, doing our arts and crafts and having a real good time...about to move to a cabin by the meeting of two rivers, soothing white noise 24/7.

Galen is an extra in the new movie "Across the Universe"...check it out, it will be iconic, about the 60's with alot of Beatles music.

Best to you and yours in all you do,

Sanford, your beach bar buddy

8:50 AM  

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