Feb 13, 2007

marketing formula to fetuses

After longtime family friend Mary Brent's most excellent gift of Swimmy by Leo Leoni, the first entity to congratulate me on my pregnancy with a gift for the new baby is... (drum roll) SIMILAC!

Yes, indeed. I am 13 weeks pregnant and I just received a tub of powdered infant formula from the nice folks at Abbott Laboratories.

I guess the stuff might come in handy should I for some reason not be able to breastfeed (a booklet that comes with the formula does remind me that "breastmilk is best"), however! It ddoesn't warn me that if I feed my newborn this stuff, I'll actually inhibit my own milk production, causing me to suddenly NEED more of the powdery product. Good thing they also included a coupon for another tub. Ug.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why Ariel, you radical thing you! You should know that it's all about! Choice! Whether it's thirteen weeks or thirty-five weeks, the choice is yours and yours alone! Should you behave like a traditional girlie-girl and be tied-down with baby and breastmilking, or behave like a modern woman and feed baby formula! No mommy attached! It's your life! Your style! Your choice. You Go grrrl!
Cindy in Seattle

7:58 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

they sent me the scary little "single servings" that apparently make "traveling so much easier."

because, you know, i hate taking my boobs everywhere i go. SO inconvenient.

2:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I don't know here. Being a woman who has 2 almost-grown breast-fed kids who is trying to get my insurance company to pay for my breast lift, I am starting to wonder for whom breast is best? My kids still kind of think I suck (no pun intended).

Good luck!

5:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i was devastated when breastfeeding just wouldn't work for us, and formula is expensive. take whatever they give you, i am sure you can find someone who needs it.

9:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well of course your breast milk will dry up if you feed your infant the formula! It's simple enough: if you don't use it (your breast) you will lose it (the milk). I also wondered if Jen takes off her breasts when she travels. It is lighter traveling that way? I would think it would be even lighter to leave the heavier baby home with the babysitter and some infant formula. Now that's freedom of movement! Let's get liberated, grrls!

Cindy in Seattle

9:38 AM  
Blogger La Leche League of Northglenn, CO said...

Damn formula companies. They're so freakin' sneakey. And a word out to those who are trying to breastfeed and meeting obstacles, go to www.lalecheleague.org to find a local group and leader to help you through the rough spots. Also as a side note, I got my insurance (Cigna HMO) to pay for a pump. Sometimes there is a "Necessary medical equipment" fund with a certain amount per year that you can use. I set up an account with Edge Park Surgical Supplies, they checked my insurance, asked me what kind of pump I wanted, and shipped it to my door. And it's 100% covered! Good luck to you!

1:03 AM  
Blogger La Leche League of Northglenn, CO said...

And in response to Cindy in Seattle, there is nothing wrong with being attached to your baby. Sure, go out every once in a while, leave the baby at home for a few hours. All you have to do is pump a few ounces and you're set. Just because we breastfeed doesn't make us more enslaved. Let's reclaim our bodies and our children, grrl.

1:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In regards to the anon who said that she's considering a breast-lift after breastfeeding 2 kids, I belive sagging comes from pregancies, not the nursing.

4:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

when my son was in the hospital they told me that they need to give him some powedered stuff because my breastmilk was a "15 calorie formula" and that he needed a 20 calorie formula. yep. god created adam, babies, and tin cans. then came the titties. ok.

6:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure sagging just comes from being alive and gravity. Though using your breasts, like for nursing, pregnancy, or comedy routines-- that probably helps.

Is there some sort of formula network similar to a canned food drive? If not, why not? Infants should always eat for free, in my opinion.

6:18 PM  

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