Jan 18, 2007

pregnant again, continued

I know you're supposed to show sooner when it's your second pregnancy, but I thought maybe since I'd given my uterus a 17-year rest, the rule wouldn't apply.

No such luck... I'm insta-huge!


Blogger LL Cool P said...

Hey Ariel, congrats on preggercy! Super exciting. And I got the books, thanks. Can't wait to read your novel, and now will have to get your newest one, too. (lord knows I'm not getting famous fast enough for my liking... :)


11:53 AM  
Blogger LL Cool P said...

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11:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want to see a picture!!

5:04 PM  
Blogger Lone Star Ma said...

Congratulations, Ariel! You look gorgeous! So exciting!

4:01 PM  
Blogger Jennifer said...

Yikes! I really need to catch up on my blog reading. I never comment -- but have read your blog for a while now; but this deserves a congratulations. Does this mean a whole new round of hip mama books!!! I hope so.

11:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations from Kim and Pete!!!!

5:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! Congratulations! I'm a long time fan but I haven't been to your site for a while. I stroll through today and BAM! Pregnancy news. How wonderful...
Just so you know...I became huge right away with my second pregnancy too. I had to start wearing maternity clothes at 10-11 weeks. The reason? My twins are now 10 years old!

1:40 AM  
Blogger La Leche League of Northglenn, CO said...

Celebrate the belly! I did henna on my belly at 9 months. It was quite a feat since I did it myself in the mirror and Haven kept jumping all over the place. It was really great to celebrate motherhood in addition to babyhood. For the henna pics of my belly go to http://ahaderer.photosite.com/BellyShots/

1:29 AM  
Blogger La Leche League of Northglenn, CO said...

Oh! And I forgot to mention, it's too bad you're not going to be pregnant in October. For Halloween I dressed up in a orange wig with pumpkin pants and a shirt I made that said "Pumpkin Thief". Maybe you could be beach ball thief? Watermelon thief?

1:33 AM  
Blogger Karli Del Biondo said...

Hi Ariel, I just found out that I am pregnant with baby #2. After a hospital birth, I want to pursue a home birth. Can you recommend a midwife to me? I'm new to this...Karli

10:30 PM  

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