Jan 9, 2007

pregnant again

I'm pregnant again!

I don't remember feeling quite this uncomfortable the first time, but that was a long time ago. I'm older now and, well, more uncomfortable. Although much less barfy.

Please put name ideas in the suggestion box between now & summer.


Blogger Craftygrrrl said...

How wonderful!

I found Kimchee helped with my barfyness, hopefully it will be over soon.

Stella or Oliver are great names.

9:54 AM  
Blogger Susannah Seefeldt said...

congrats and good luck!

10:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow wow wow wow wow! congratulations!!!!!

12:43 PM  
Blogger Rachel said...

Congrats Ariel!

My daughter (8) loves the name Juniper ("Junie" and perhaps your could be in tribute to June Jordan?).

Ruby, Violet and Sage. Tess, Cady, and Eli.

2:52 PM  
Blogger Donna said...

What wonderful, exciting news! Congratulations!

9:21 PM  
Blogger Kronda said...

Dude! I can't believe you didn't tell me this at Sushi-Land!

Very awesome. My girlfriend is on birth control (you can never be too careful :) but we *love* other people's babies.

11:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Oscar, Joaquin, and Ella are all favorites.

We are thinking of you and hope that any barfyness is gone very soon.

Amber & Monica

12:05 AM  
Blogger Hola, I'm JMac: said...

CONGRATS! I felt tons more uncomfortable the second time around, but hey the labor was easier! A few of my fave names, Vada, Nora, Alice, Jude, Errol,Ezra

6:42 PM  
Blogger Jenny said...

Congrats! I'm expecting and my husband and I came across the name Zen the other day. We kinda liked it.

6:52 PM  
Blogger tenderfoot said...

holy wow!!!

congratulations mama.

jenna / tenderfoot

9:18 PM  
Blogger Trula said...

Oh Ariel, how exciting!! I am stuck on Mercury for names lately, if I ever have another daughter that's what I'm naming her. I also like Siobhahn and Ayanna. For boys, how about Zack?

8:47 AM  
Blogger kelly said...


I saw the word "Kimchee" on the first comment. That's a great name, if you ask me!

8:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


i like the names amber, zander, alec, ezra, and emma.

10:42 AM  
Blogger Kia said...

wowza wowza wowza!!!


names? names? names?
will get back to you

check out HM - we are so excited for you over there

3:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay! Congrats for you! I felt way more pregnancy symptoms with my current pregnancy than I did with the first. However, here's hoping for a easier labor this time around!

We're naming our little girl, BellaGrace, so don't take that name! ;)

6:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

brainymom says yippeee!!!
Since I'm expecting numero dos this summer as well I'll resist sharing names ('cause I want them all)

but I am SOO excited for you

6:51 PM  
Blogger Jennifer Savage said...

Congratulations! When are you due? How superfabulous!

Tillie? Jack? That's all I can think of now. It's been a long time since baby names came up!

10:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats! And good health and blessings to you and baby.

I like the name Eden. For a boy or girl.

8:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's all about personal selection, what a name means to your heart. One person's Homer, could be another person's Vega, another person's Dawn, another person's Sienna...it really has to touch YOUR soul and fall out of the sky and land on your lap.

So, weather permitting...I am looking forward to what you select because I love the name Ariel and Maia - so I believe it will be equally beautiful.

Thank you for sharing your personal story in Atlas of the Human Heart. It brought forth all types of emotions, some of which have been locked away for a long time. What a gift. Thank you.

Look to the sun! It's out today.

9:14 AM  
Blogger yatima said...

Oh! I love the name game.

Aliya, Adele, Agatha, Chana, Chiara, Esperanza, Keziah, Letitia, Phaedra, Saskia, Siri, Sylvia, Talitha, Tamar, Zelda

Alexei, Baptiste, Evariste, Evander, Faris, Ishi, Jafar, Jairus, Jiri, Lachlan, Ludo, Stellan, Thierry, Xavier

2:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amazing! Simply amazing and wonderful!

As to names, I have always loved the name Allison. :)

5:46 PM  
Blogger lola coca-cola said...

Wow! I found that ginger chews (like Reed's) and pressure point wrist bands (the ones they sell for motion sickness) were super helpful with the barfy factor. I like the name Max.

1:54 PM  
Blogger mo said...

wow! That's cool. Hope to see you around town. I'm a fan and my 3 year old and I love to check out events where your speaking or involved.Anxious to hear your take on it the second time around. I always love your insight and your sense of humor.Congratulations!!!

8:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Splendid! Congratulations, and thanks for indulging us on the name suggestions--what fun.

My main advice is to avoid Luke or Lucas for a boy and Isabella for a girl--I don't work in a hospital, but I'm seeing more and more of my friends bringing forth little ones with these names. Seems like the next big thing.

I'm partial to Miriam for a girl, given the Biblical character's fabulous status as a leader of the Israelite people on their trek out of slavery--hey, and she even "brought" along the water. Anyway, it's meaningful to me. For boys, dunno. Just avoid Luke. :)

Way to go!

11:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a lucky baby!

11:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Woo Hoo!

1:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

if i have another kid, which i'm not. he will be called ammon after ammon hennasy or doris as in doris day.

9:23 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Whoohoo! Congrats Ariel!

Acupuncture can really help with morning sickness (or all day sickness).

Zoe or Zephyr, I really like Z names.

1:22 AM  
Blogger meera bowman-johnson said...


Good you're asking and thinking about the names thing now...it was a fiasco naming my second daughter b/c we didn't agree on anything...until months after she arrived. I'm still thinking about the "perfect" name.

Girls: Anya, Camille, Camrin, Channing, Giselle, Larkin, Nella, Sabine, Sadie, Zenobia

Boys: Asa, Ezra, Che, Coltrane, Gavin, Theo, Xavier, Quinton, Quinn, Zane

For either: Lenox, Phoenix

But all that matters is what YOU like. Gook luck!:)

8:08 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

If the baby's a girl, you could name her after your beloved friend Allison. Although, if you're less barfy this time, I wonder if that's an indication that this one's a boy...? In any case, congratulations, mama and baby, congratulations to your whole family. Wishing you an easy, healthy pregnancy -- wishing good things for you all.

2:59 PM  
Blogger Lone Star Ma said...

Oh, my gosh, Ariel!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That is way, way beyond thrilling!!!!

Names: Maybe an earth name or a fire name since you have a sylph name and Maia is a water goddess name...I don't know.

It's so EXCITING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG - It's in print! I'va talked to you about MY feelings about YOUR pregnancy (ok, so I am still working on my attachment to the 8th Deadly Sin: Self-Focus) but I thought I would throw my vote for names in: Girls: Xochi or Delilah. Boys: Zach or Xavier.

11:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought of 2 other names I like: Xander and Harper. I think both kind of unisex.

2:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go girl go! I had a 6 year lapse between my girls. We love the age gap. My girls are named Fiona and Siobhan-- so I'm partial to them :)
Other favs are: Isla (like Island without the nd), Clare, Mariella (Italian), Celeste, Camillle, Zoe....
ciao bella,
Lauren Michele

7:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love Eleanor and Gwen for a girl.

Malcolm, Christoph, Angus, and Marcus for a boy.

My favorite twin names are Anthony and Antoinette.

10:16 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I wanted to name my son Hendrix, Sundiata or Rohan, but we ended up naming him Jacob because his dad thought the others were too hard to say. Whatever.

Congratulations Ariel. My brother Sam and I are 17 years apart and I love him. He is now 7 and I am 24, we're both July babies and both kinda got to be only children. I am so happy that my mom had him. Hope everything goes well for you.

2:06 PM  
Blogger Jess said...

Wow, I haven't been here in too long. And wow, that's 35 years of parenting! How exciting!! Congrats!!

Serrin, Natalia, Disha, Misa, Ramona, Raina...

Silas, Soren, Darren, Jonah...

12:06 PM  
Blogger Shana said...

No wonder your name has crossed my mind lately (I recently picked up "altlas of the human heart" and am an old fan of the hip mama boards, which I was addicted to when my first child was little.) # 1 is Julian, 10 years old, and # 2 is Maia (like yours) - godess of spring/magic, age 1. Both lovely names!! We also like Lyra from Pullman's Dark Materials trilogy and Luna from the spanish movie Sex and Lucia. Have fun picking out a name - feel well!

11:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

YAY for you!

Devyn (for either) Olivia. Anton.

Cecilia. Martin.

6:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I don't know you, but thought I'd check out your site after seeing you on the library website.

Since you're asking for name suggestions here you go...

Tzipporah or Hadassah for a girl (one of which I was going to name my new baby girl who turned out to be a boy). I've always like Calliope too.

My boys are named Avinoam and Theodore (Avi and Theo). Boys names are so much harder for me because I tried to make it somewhat original (well, Theo's pretty common, but not like Elijah) but not freakish. Tobias is also nice, but didn't go with our last name.

There you go. Suggestions from a stranger.

1:09 PM  
Blogger The Imperfect Wife said...

I know this is kinda ols news but I thought I'd trow my congrats on here. We had a great hoo-ha over at the HM blog when this news first hit. Happy being pregnant :)

12:29 PM  
Blogger La Leche League of Northglenn, CO said...

In response to Melissa, funny story! My boyfriend is full Korean (adopted at 5 months) and busted out the Kimchee when I was 8 months pregnant. I believe my words were, "What is that? Did the sink back up again?" Dunno if it was my pregnant nose or what but he ate it on the porch from then on! ;) Just proves how different women are.

As far as names go, we went to the hospital with 35 girls names and took our time naming her (Haven Aria Dae <"Greatness" in Korean>). I'd recommend the Baby Name Wizard book. It's amazing. There are all the names listed in the front with the origin, meaning, how often it's used, and suggestions for sibling names. They'll have five girls names and five boys names that are in the same genre which is helpful for brainstorming. So you can look up Maia. Also, in the back there are more names grouped by genre, for example, the "ey" names like Haley, Caley, etc. and old family names like Olivia, etc. I like Charlotte, then you could call her Charlie.

Man, I wish I was pregnant again. My daughter just turned one and I've already got the baby itch...

1:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some of my favorite names were hijacked by corporate interests and therefore ruined (Allegra). But- I really like Sonata for a girl (despite Toyota). I also like Lyric and Aria. For a boy I like Langston. Reminds me of Langston Hughes and also a scene from a movie- Sugarland Express. Goldie Hawn keeps blathering on about how she's going to go pick up "Baby Langston". And a slow car chase ensues. Check it out. I have more names- I will keep posting.
Also, there is really no cure for puke city. BUT the smell of ecalyptus oil seemed to help me.


12:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cassidy for a boy or a girl.

3:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I am so excited for you, and a little jealous. I just miscarried in May, and am anxious to try again.
My favorite names right now are Willa for a girl and Wyatt for a boy, but the last name is Weddle so I can't use em...
But Willa Gore? Awesome.
Wyatt Gore? Super Rad.
alison mccarthy from jordan middle school

10:55 PM  

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