Jan 1, 2007

woo hoo

Maia got in to art school! Savannah and Otis in L.A. Which one should she pick?


Blogger Rachel said...

Savannah is an awesome school in an awesome town, plus would be a funner place for you to visit than LA.

Congrats to Maia! You must be so proud!

7:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Maia! And her Mama!

Both schools look fantastic. I suppose part of it would come down to whether Maia wants the big city experience or a smaller city experience.

Do you have a favorite? Part of me is hoping that my son will choose a college that we could get to each other via a reasonable train ride, verses a far away school that will require getting on an airplane. Of course, it's up to him, so we'll see.


10:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How exciting!! Did she decide yet? I really don't know anything about either place but I agree that she is super talented. Wow, I REMEMBER WHEN SHE WAS IN PRESCHOOL.......

6:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Savannah! My cousin's in his second year at SCAD, focussing on animation. He absolutely loves it, and spent part of last summer in France, too. It's a beautiful town, close to Charleston, too.

4:52 PM  
Blogger Trula said...

I say Savannah, only because my daughter got in there too.


8:48 AM  
Blogger Kia said...


well if she comes to L.A. we could get some visits outta you, too. BUT -- Savannah is my fav US city.

3:46 PM  
Blogger lola coca-cola said...

savannah rocks! though the scad kids can be kinda...arty. mostly in a good way, though.

1:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I vote for Savannah. Only because, as you know, I have a kid at the exact same place and I am thinking of smaller, more insular community, etc. Our girls are "grown" at 17, but it still seems kinda important to have a community.

Plus, I think it wonderful to get a taste of another part of the country. And Savannah is quite beautiful and funky!

2:37 PM  
Blogger Kai Ro said...

Hi lady,
(Congrats on the pregnancy).
Frankie B was a professor at SCAD in the early 2000s. A lot of opportunity in some departments because of industry connections. It's a lovely place to be as an art student except it's also the south. Can be a whopping amount of money and many grads feel ripped off.
Oh, they do throw lovely parties. That was my favorite part, the parties.

5:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

my cousin, who is does comic art, went to Savannah and has good things to say about it.

I am going through the same thing with my daughter. She has gotten accepted to Tulane and the University of Michigan. I am hoping she gets into Reed in Portland. I kinda want her near (ann arbor is only 60 miles away) but part of me wants her to go out and grab life by the balls and move away.

t. hill

Congratulations to you and to Maia of course!

5:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LA!! There are many more opportunites in animation and the arts in Cali. More variety, stuff to do, connections. Plus the South sucks. Big time.
(EX-Caligal living in Texas)

12:14 AM  

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