Jun 5, 2007

she did it!

Girl-child graduated from high school...in three crazy years!


Blogger Tina said...

Congratulations--are you reeling?

10:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ariel! That is crazy! and amazing. I remember her when... I would not recognize her if I tripped over her now. Congrats to both of you.

11:01 AM  
Blogger Jennifer said...

Hurray for Maia!!!! She didn't get there alone-her success is your success.

9:14 PM  
Blogger Anais said...

Congrats all around!!
Blessings, blessings, blessings galore!
Love and light, Meg

11:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go Maia! And congrats, Ariel!

1:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HOORAY! That is fantastic! :D Grats to you, and her!

7:36 PM  
Blogger just said...

Thank goddess! It got kind of hairy there for a minute, huh? I am so glad she pulled it off. Good job and good luck to both of you!

9:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


10:50 AM  
Blogger posthipchick said...

Will she be a Broken Twig (Mills)?

7:57 PM  
Blogger The Imperfect Wife said...

Congratulations! Wha tt rip to have one going odf to college and another on the way. So great to hear thos, good job Maia and mama!

2:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats! Now time to start all over ;) She's gorgeous by the way.

3:05 AM  

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