Aug 12, 2007

pregnant dream

The baby is born and immediately he insists on make up and nail polish. He can talk, I think. Or he is communicating telepathically. I tell him he's too young for make up and nail polish. "Make up isn't good for newborn skin," I tell him.

But then Krystee comes to babysit. She takes him to the mall. And when they get back they are both wearing sparkly gold and blue eye shadow and red nail polish.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations Ariel! Here's to empty diapers and a full night's sleep.
Health and happiness to you all.

5:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello! No idea you had a blog - and are pregnant. Wonderful, cool, and great on both!

You and Hip Mama were such an inspiration to myself and my friend who were 2 young single moms sharing a house that was split into apartments.We were both teen moms, broke and leaned on each other for everything. Hip Mama was our Bible, inspiration and confirmation that we were smart, worthy and good parents, if on the eclectic side.

Sorry to fill your comments with mush, but thought you should know. I'll check back often now that I know you're here. Be well, congrats to the whole family.

4:39 PM  

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