Aug 10, 2007

38 1/2 weeks pregnant

Walking down the street and an old hippie slows her car, leans out her window. "Do you need a ride?"

"No, thanks, I'm all right."

She looks puzzled, pushes her long white hair out of her face. "Honey," she says. "You're about to deliver."

"I think I've got a few more days," I try to assure her. "But thanks--"

She shakes her head. "You're going to get varicose veins if you keep walking like that!" And then she shrugs, sort of half-waves, and speeds off.

* * *


Blogger Bedouina said...

Can she take Greyhound? Is that safe or cool anymore? We passed lots of Greyhounds on I-5 during the Oakland-Portland-bainbridge island-Oakland road trip we just finished. If she's going down south to a major metropolitan area maybe that will work?

Drag that you can't go with her, however. My sympathies to you both.

and the walking - well I remember being 41.5 weeks pregnant (my terms go very long) and trimming this enormous malvia bush/tree in the back yard. I *wanted* to deliver.

But at least that hippie lady was being kind and offering a service, not just advice.

1:24 PM  
Blogger Bedouina said...

Huh - old hippie - I let my hair grow out white after chemo in my early 40s (i'm only 45 now) and I feel uncomfortably like an old hippie; that and the extra weight from the meds do it. If I were lean and angry I would look more like what I am, an old downtown/punk-rock/hanger-on from the Lower East Side circa 1981. Should I start wearing skinny black jeans again? My butt's too big now.

1:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck, Ariel. Recently had my son, Arlo (how's that for a good, solid boy's name with a little hippie cache thrown in for good measure) with a midwife here in Boston. An amazing experience--well worth it.

Catching up with you via your blog has brought back a lot of Palo Alto memories. I was so very sorry to read about John's passing. I used to see him around town and he had, for want of a better phrase, such a gentle aura about him. I also remember your beautiful house well and was so sad to hear it will be no more.

Anyway, best of luck with the birth of your son and the inevitable adjustments to follow. Be good to yourself!

5:54 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Did I already tell you I love the name Utah? After Utah Phillips.

7:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know, for the first four pregnancies I was terribly annoyed by people who assumed I couldn't do simple things like...walk, but the fifth time around I began to get offended by the people who wouldn't hold doors open for my enormous belly! Go figure. Hope you have as easy delivery as possible.

How about Aiden-means fire...

7:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Boy names..hmmm... here you go:
Jude (you can embaress him by singing "Hey Jude" at him!!)
Finn/ Finlay/ Finley
Zack/Zach .. I watch too much Saved By the Bell

Never name the boy Sven ..even though it kinda sounds/looks cool.. just don't do it.
My son's name is Kai and his middle name is Elliot. It took me 3 hours to decide on his 1st name and it took me 3 days on the middle name. After i received his birth certificate from the state I noticed my son's initials spelled out KEG. Oh well at least it didn't turn out to be LEG (Liam Evan?) or RAG (Ridley Atticus?). I just sounds like I'm an alcoholic with a kid who has KEG for his initials. Oh well its not liked I named him Jim Beam or Jack Daniel.

wow I'm rabbling. Well good luck on naming your little guy.

Sarah from Whidbey Island

10:51 PM  
Blogger Meg Weber Jeske said...

I actually have a nephew named Jack Daniel...I couldn't believe they named him that, but they did.

Can't wait to meet Max sometime soon.

1:46 PM  

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