Dec 6, 2007

I dropped out of high school 20 years ago

And in the latest issue of my high school newspaper they printed these words of wisdom...

To the students of her hometown, Ariel Gore offers this advice:

"Drop out and get a real life and education. Don't get plastic surgery before you're 30. And — I realize this will nullify all previous and subsequent advice, but don't do what you're told. Don't take my advice or anyone else's unless it lines up with your own truth. You can be successful because you are smart and creative and tenacious, or you can be successful because you are obedient. I would suggest that the latter isn't very satisfying."

Ha! For some reason this makes me very happy.


Blogger mom of the year said...

You. Are. Awesome.

I love the way you write. Look forward to many reading sessions right here!

9:50 PM  
Blogger Maggie Ginsberg-Schutz said...

I wish wish WISH my high school paper had held such pearls of wisdom, rather than endless pages of sports reporting (and even more pages of anonymous angst-ridden poems.)

Gah! So lucky. :)

5:23 AM  
Blogger *camerashymomma* said...

sweet pearls of wisdom! that would make me happy too! your words are truth, there's no denying that.

1:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i can't believe they posted that! it is absolutely wonderful and so past time that schools stop telling children that if they don't follow the prescribed path, they will fail.

go, Ariel, go!

5:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well I suppose you should consider yourself awesome, rising from the depths of poverty as you indeed did/ But what upsets me time and again with your attitude is your animosity towards the status quo. Do you ever reflect upon how many engineers "obeyed" and produced degrees in physics, mathematics,and electrical engineering to bring you this bounty called the internet, the computer? How you profit from it all and yet, and yet, you are still so full of condemnation. Do you honestly think your recommendation to our high-school youth to drop out is a good one? Even the welfare checks you received came from a country still giving, from those who did not drop out. Cannot we reach some sort of agreement, here? My husband works so hard to bring you your pleasures; please, stop turning on people to dropping out of high-school. Is this what you recommended for your own daughter? There's still good all around us. Learn that much. At the very least.

6:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, Anonymous is a real dumbass.

10:24 PM  
Blogger french panic said...

Looks like anonymous skipped over this part: "Don't take my advice or anyone else's unless it lines up with your own truth."

8:08 AM  
Blogger Jennifer said...

I guess Anon missed the part of Maia graduating a year early from high school and getting early admission to art school.
And FYI-food, clothing, and a place to live aren't pleasures, they are necessities.

8:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, Anon, there are plenty of dropouts working long hours at factory jobs that subsidize those checks. Not just those fabulous CEO's that get millions in corporate welfare.
And one of the greatest minds in Physics, Einstein, was considered by his secondary school teachers to be an unteachable kid.

12:17 PM  

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