Feb 3, 2009


Home from beautiful New Orleans.

We tripped into town on Friday night. Saturday, Maria and I got crystal ball readings... learned that in our past lives, I collaborated with the Mexican revolution and she was a gypsy on the Adriatic.

We wonder if the crystal ball ever reveals that someone was a fat housewife who smoked a pack a day.

I mean, Mexico and Romania are lovely. But we want to know what happened in Jersey.

We walk... So many neighborhoods... Later, Coleen tells us that things had finally started to get back to something-like-normal after the storm... but then the economy all topsy-turvy. Still so much damage and tourism stalled and there's something beautiful for sale on every block. We imagine lives in the for-sale houses; walk a long way to St. Roch cemetery...

From there, we find our way to F & F Botanica where Felix sells us some fancy oils and candles to take to St. Louis #1 cemetery. We walk more. It's hot and lovely and the baby is trying to be a good sport.


At St. Louis #1, we look and look for my ancestor's tomb. Finally we find the first wife of one of my ancestors and we search all around that spot for my actual ancestor, but she isn't there. I feel disoriented by the labyrinth of walkways. A headache coming on because I forgot to wear a hat. But we find Marie Laveau's X-marked tomb and leave a candle for her and lucky New Years trinket love we think she'll like.

The next day in the wild & beautiful Voodoo Spiritual Temple, I pick up a little book about the cemetery, open it randomly, and there's my ancestor's tomb! We walk back over to the cemetery with the peace candle we got from Felix and finally we find it--we'd been standing right in front of it, taking pictures of Max and spinning around and wondering where the ancestor could be.

Mightta been those 10-cent martinis.


Blogger Lucia said...

Welcome back. Oh, so that explains how the revolutionary still runs in your veins! Love it.
I need to go to NOLA someday.

12:19 PM  
Blogger Dot Hearn said...

Welcome back!

I, too, have wondered if anyone is ever told about the ordinary people we were in past lives ... there had to be some of us *smile*

1:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ha ha I know right! just tell me I was a good person, I'll leave my pretensions to grandeur in this life, thank you very much,

hey Ariel over at Mamaphonic Susan asked for suggestions/help for imrpving the site, attracting new members, so I started a flickr group for Mamaphonic and would love to have you join. I think the Mexico workshop pics would be a great addition! here's the invite:

Hi! I just started a group for Mamaphonic:

Pics from members and friends of Mamaphonic.com, a web zine offering monthly content from emerging writers and poets. Designed for and by artists who are also mothers, Mamaphonic provides an active discussion board community with practical advice, resources, and opportunities to interact with writers, visual artists, zinesters, musicians, actors, and filmmakers.

Post photos of your project-in-progress, completed projects, zine fairs, book fests, movie screenings, crafting events, fashion shows, anything and everything related to your project(s)!

Thanks for looking, and if you don't want to join that's cool but please spread the word ^_^

Trula AKA Mercury

10:22 AM  

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