Jan 9, 2009


I didn't make any resolutions in particular this year, but I love the way that January always feels new, goal-lovely, inspired. The business news every day is dire. The end of capitalism is very inconvenient indeed. Writers and everyone else—we're all facing our "own private Detroit" as Susie Bright puts it.

And still!

I'm excited about projects the way I'm always excited in January.

And again in April for the real new year.

And in June for my birthday.

And in September because the leaves turn and school starts.

The particular months are arbitrary—or they aren't.

The equinoxes and the solstices.

The timing is energetic—and it's pure potentiality.

I am not voting for the current dire collective hallucinations.

Sure, whitey has emptied the tills for real this time and is carpet-bagging his way outta Washington. Good riddance.

I'm excited about projects big and small. And I'm looking forward to all the cheap art and creative sustenance you will send me in the mail.

Don't you know?


Blogger LeaKarts said...

I am so happy to find your blog! Your book, "The Hip Mama Survival Guide," helped me a lot and gave me some good laughs when I was pregnant...almost 10 years ago :)
Thank you and have an awesome year!

9:45 AM  
Blogger Misplaced Musings said...

"How to become a famous writer..." has inspired me so much. Its refreshingly readable, and right. I have finally gotten my pile of poetry together and am readying it for a chapbook competition. So I,too, feel inspired for the new year. Thanks.

3:25 PM  
Blogger Rena said...

Yes! There is something truly inspiring about January, even if it's an arbitrary date. Symbolically, everything is new and fresh, clean swept by winter's rain, spring just around the corner, and a whole year just waiting to be explored.

Plus, the end of Georgie's reign feels awful sweet!

4:04 PM  

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