Nov 20, 2008

I will survive

We finally got to rent Young @ Heart, and watch the movie in its entirety. We'd tried to see it at the fabulous Academy Theater, but the baby geeked out in the daycare room half-way through and they called us to come and get him and off we went, left in suspense!

But all things happen for a reason, as the new agers say, and as transcendent as Young @ Heart is on the big screen, home was a comfier place to take it in AND, more importantly, one of the very best music videos in the whole movie is actually in the "deleted scenes"--so you HAVE TO get the DVD.

Or see it on the big screen and see the deleted music video here. (Deleted? Why? These ladies were robbed!)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really want to rent this movie now! I think I must be having pms, because after thanksgiving, spending the night in my aunts basement and watching this rendition of "I will survive" - it brought tears to my eyes!

5:48 AM  

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