Nov 5, 2008

watching the returns



What the F is up with California? Did folks for real go to the polls and vote for Obama and against marriage? Yes they did. Way to put the downer on my election party, dude. But I guess I shouldn't be too surprised.

Black voters only make up 6.2 percent of California's electorate, but they're already taking part of the blame for this one--exit polls show that 70 percent of black voters said no on the marriage question. Ouch. Pam Spaulding blogged, "The belief that "white equals gay" is a big part of the problem. As long as black LGBTs are invisible in their own communities and there is a dearth of color in the public face of LGBT leadership, the socially-conservative black community can remain in denial that I exist as a black lesbian."

But being for Obama doesn't make anyone all about equality. Oregon's electorate is largely white, and they prove themselves blue & homophobic every time.



Blogger Kendal said...

ach. I voted no, for what it's worth. And I am a white Obama supporter.

I wonder if maybe people got confused by the wording of the initiative, like "sure I'm for gay marriage, so I'll vote yes." I was talking to an old man who said marriage should be between a man and a woman, so he was going to vote No on 8, which would have actually been a vote for the protection of equal marriage rights.

It is silly, but with all the focus on voting for Obama, I think a lot of people just weren't paying that much attention to the rest of the ballot. At least, I'd like to believe that's the case.

4:10 PM  

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