Aug 30, 2008

just asking

Snake dreams aside, it is beyond embarrassing that contemporary mainstream journalists are still asking female political candidates "Who will take care of the children?!"

The fact that Sarah Palin has kids--including an infant with special needs--is hardly what makes her ill-prepared for the presidency. I mean, shit, it's the only thing on her resume that's reassuring!

And yet, as many times as I've heard that she's McCain's "maverick" pick, I've heard some weird version of... Who will take care of the children during the campaign... and beyond?

Maybe she's got a husband, yo. Maybe she's got a manny like I do.

Maybe her kids can take care of their damn selves.

They're spaced as far apart as my own kids--and there are way more of 'em. I'm sure little Bristol or Willow can take care of Trig while mama's on the campaign trail. Don't worry about it, OK? Arrangements have been made.

I mean, was everyone stoned during the most recent women's movement?

And stoned while the majority of women in this country made childcare plans no thanks to you?

If you are not offering to babysit, don't ask me about my childcare plans.


Blogger Kris Underwood said...

Very nice. Nailed it.

5:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How do your thoughts change if she really is Trig's grandmother? If it's true, the story is too awful and sounds like an abusive situation. Can a teenager really concent to living a lie forever? Teens are often coerced into giving up their kids or having abortions or not having abortions. Is it believable that a teen could freely concent to denying her own motherhood?

4:28 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

the mainstram media, 100 percent of it, is here to dumb people down and that's it. if i don't like to be reminded of how well they have succeeded (hence the dumb questions) i just don't read papers, or watch tv or listen to the radio. why would you expect anything intelligent from the mainstream media? it's hard for me to believe that a super-intelligent writer like you would think otherwise. that this isn't deliberate. your focus should be on writing for those who are awake, not for those under the influence of corporate brainwashing. there are more of us than you know. d.

9:28 AM  
Blogger Lone Star Ma said...

Amen, Ariel.

9:13 PM  

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