Sep 10, 2008

One More Nut for Obama

Hey - look at Maria's "One More Nut for Obama" T-shirts for babies & grown-ups!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was married back in the late 80's and divorced later on, thanks to both the internet, the lap band method and finances. While I am happily married now, I do know what it is like to be a single parent. My daughter is now 16, soon to be 17. I am proud of the women she has become and even prouder of what she hopes to become. I want to leave my comment for Ariel and other single mothers that my hats off to you. To be a single mother is a full time job and, by no means, an easy task. I served in Iraq. What does that mean, that THAT job is easy in comparison to being a single mother. I wish you all the very best and know that you have my deepest respect. Would like to hear your thoughts, you can email me at Good luck.

11:39 AM  

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