May 1, 2006

The Book is Out!

We're rehearsing for tour--the musicians on their instruments and me wiring the shadow puppets... And my friend China says The Traveling Death and Resurrection Show is suddenly and mystically on sale! Available and a real thing in the world. She got her copy today at Atomic Books!

And then I got a note from the Center for Visionary Activism on the derivation of the exclamation mark:
from Greek drama--If a line was to be delivered with force,  in the margins was written, "IO," meaning "forceful expression of joy." In time the "O" was written underneath the "I." Kinda kinned to "all praise to the Divine!"

And from the I Ching (Stephen Karcher's translation):

In an unexpected way, in an unexpected place, you meet with a spirit power of great importance... Bite through the obstacles! Gather energy for a decisive new move... The great Spring festivals united all after the Winter isolation...

This is the right time to embark on a significant enterprise or enter the stream of life with a goal. Bring people together, for Creative force is moving in the situation. Persist in your efforts to illumine the inherent beauty of things.

All praise to the divine death and rebirth!

See, I've been a little bit depressed and stressed--the old social anxiety disorder acting up--and feeling like the world is too mean for the kind of rent we have to pay to live in it--so all this is abundantly welcome. It's a new day and I'm getting a tax refund(!) Praise all the wacky deep reverent saints. Things are moving and movement is good... Please tell all your friends to buy my new book.

I'll see you on tour...OK?


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