Jan 28, 2007

spring tour

I'll be on tour this spring with Annie Downey, author of Hot and Bothered and the amazing China Martens, whose Future Generation Zine-Book is coming soon from Atomic Books. It's the Ideals and Crazy Dreams Book Tour for How to Become a Famous Writer Before You're Dead. I'll post the book tour dates as events get confirmed.

Jan 21, 2007


Booklist thinks How to Become a Famous Writer Before You're Dead is rad...one of the snappiest, most useful books a writer for hire is likely to read!

"The best thing about this writers' guide is that it doesn't sound like any other writers' guide... Sure, you can waste time making yourself a lovely little space to write in, but how's that going to get your name on a published book? What you need to do, Gore says, is just be a writer. If you have a story to tell, tell it, and once you've told it, promote the hell out of it. Publish it yourself, if you have to, and then sell it. Check the local papers, find a spoken-word open-mike night, and go read your material in front of an audience. Send out press releases; publish your own magazine. And, most important, learn real fast that nobody out there will give a damn about what you have got to say until you make them pay attention to you. One of the snappiest, most useful books a writer for hire is likely to read." --David Pitt

Jan 18, 2007

pregnant again, continued

I know you're supposed to show sooner when it's your second pregnancy, but I thought maybe since I'd given my uterus a 17-year rest, the rule wouldn't apply.

No such luck... I'm insta-huge!


I just finished Rebecca Walker's new memoir, Baby Love--it's coming out this spring. The way the mother in the book is depicted tripped me out--brought up a lot of those old questions about memoir-writing. What is the difference between telling your own truth/holding people accountable for their actions and selling them down the river?

Jan 9, 2007

pregnant again

I'm pregnant again!

I don't remember feeling quite this uncomfortable the first time, but that was a long time ago. I'm older now and, well, more uncomfortable. Although much less barfy.

Please put name ideas in the suggestion box between now & summer.

how to become a famous writer before you're dead


You can already pre-order my new book...

...and become a famous writer!

Jan 1, 2007

woo hoo

Maia got in to art school! Savannah and Otis in L.A. Which one should she pick?