Nov 2, 2006

News from Oaxaca

Day of the Dead and my father's altar is alit without any family home. My mom hasn't been able to get back -- the airport is closed now -- protests started more than five months ago as a local teachers' strike, but in the wake of the divisive national election, the protest expanded include other leftist causes: anti-globalism and indigenous peoples rights. The ranks of the protesters occupied the city's main square, and the Governor's palace, until last week when President Vicente Fox sent in Federal Police to clear the area. More than a dozen Mexicans had died amid the protests, but the Fox government finally responded when an American was killed. Talks are at an impasse. Protesters haven't given up. The city is still being described as "lawless." A 15-year-old boy was killed in another clash with the federal police on Monday.

Today this email from a friend of the family:

Radio Universidad continues to broadcast desperate calls for help. The University is surrounded by the Federales (PFP), and state police, and now the Mexican Army (two trucks full) and of course the porros. We can see smoke....tear gas...helicopters... I just got a call from a teacher asking that we get the word out in to the international community. They feel somewhat protected by this.... maybe the only protection.


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