Jul 18, 2005

Good Advice for Young Trendy People of All Ages

Wow! One of the sharpest minds and trash connoisseurs I've ever known - Jennifer Blowdryer joins forces with some very weird friends to bring forth the scariest reality survivor show you'll never see on TV.
--Jello Biafra

Excerpts . . .
If you're getting evicted, do nothing for twenty-four hours. When I'm getting evicted, I dress casually for my date with Housing Court, and whine to the management company. You cannot fight with people who don't mean well. They will fight back meaner, longer, and harder. Whining is good because it delays everything; it can buy you that crucial minute. A street fighter once told me a good trick is to say, "OWWW," really early in the fight, so your opponent will think you're already hurt bad and might go lighter on you. A friend suggests saying you're Billy Idol's drummer--hard to disprove.

--Jennifer Blowdryer

Carry Through on Even the Craziest Ideas
You might be sitting at a bar with a friend discussing Teletubbies and you might say, "Wouldn't it be fun to dress as a drunken Teletubby and visit various toy stores throughout the city?"

Or you might be discussing the commercialization of Christmas and your friend might say, "It would be great fun to dress as a pregnant Virgin Mary and go to various fancy hotels trying to get a free room on Christmas Eve!"

A true Art Star wouldn't just talk the talk, they'd walk the walk, and the next day they'd go out and have a Teletubby or a Virgin Mary costume made. Or they would make it themselves, and they'd make these ideas a reality. Art Stars live in the land of show-me.

--Reverend Jen

Dangerous Wannabes
At some point in your trendy life, somebody will want to be you. Perhaps their youth was not tortured enough, or they were tortured in the wrong way, and they are not enjoying your modest success. It's just like in this movie you should see, All About Eve. These people will compliment you winningly, and that will progress quickly to shadowing you. It's kind of nice to have a flattering little shadow around, isn't it? But watch out. It's not just that they want to become you, but that they don't want there to BE a you anymore. Ironic, isn't it? But so are most human machinations.

--Jennifer Blowdryer

Get all the advice from Jennifer Blowdryer, Reverend Jen, Alvin Orloff, Mistress Daria, Clint Catalyst, James St. James, Pamela Holm, Moonshine, Erno, Nate, Princess Kennedy, Zeon, Sami Formo, Phillip R. Ford, Regi Alsin, Bucky Sinister, Lynn Breedlove, Sherilyn Connelly, Myke; Board, Brother Man X, Jane King, and Me here!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, she looks and sounds like me! Am i a wannabe? Only if she's making money!
Here's an art idea i haven't followed through on yet - wire clothes hanger art sculpture - dozens of hangers hanging from each other to be reassembled by the viewer as they see fit. possibly painted.
we need all the good advice we can get.
not-so-anonymous gail.

7:55 PM  

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