Nov 15, 2004

Pray to Our Lady of Class Struggle

'Cause Resident Bush Owes the Righty Jesus Freaks Big-Time.

The White House will make Senator Arlen Spector fight for his job as head of the Senate Judiciary Committee after his remarks cautioning Dubya about nominating judges intent on overturning Roe V. Wade. Senator Bill Frist says Spector "must prove to his Republican colleagues" that he is the right man for the job.

It's payback time for the Religious Right and they mean to collect in full.

I mean, imagine if you were in their position. Imagine for a moment you were some radical fringe socialist pinko leftwing freak (I know it's hard, but stay with me here . . . ) And imagine you'd provided your Presidential(!) candidate a swing-vote buffer so they could either win the election or get close enough to believably steal it. Now imagine you were so righteous you were totally unscrupulous. Wouldn't you be hellbent on convincing that obviously flash-in-the-pan temporary federal government to get your legislation through & stuff the courts with appointees of your guys that would remain on the bench for GENERATIONS?

Bob Jones 111--he of Bob Jones University fame--sent a sweet note of congratulations to Dubya, saying: "Put your agenda on the front burner and let it boil. You owe the liberals nothing. They despise you because they despise your Christ. Honor the Lord, and He will honor you. If you have weaklings around you who do not share your biblical values, shed yourself of them." Clear enough? Newsweek reports that the evangelicals "now hold daily conference calls and meetings to review a long legislative wish list: conservative judicial appointments, a federal amendment banning gay marriage, abortion restrictions, tougher obscenity laws, school vouchers" and on and on and on . . .

Joining Big Mama's Church instead!


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