Post-11/2 Organizing
Kick ass
Have faith
Make books
Play music
Feed people
Fall in love
Smash the state
Audit the election
Speak truth to power
Get out of the military
Life without psychopharms
Each according to her ability
Resistance is the secret of joy
In his victory speech, Dubya claimed to be "humbled." Humbled? Someone needs to slap that spoiled little imbecile.
In Kerry's concession, he called for unity and healing. WTF? Like 'hey--let's just continue the genocide in Iraq, go out for some afternoon gay-bashing, and then shake hands’? As Osha Neumann put it, "This is no time for unity. It's the beginning of a life-and-death struggle."
So don't slit your wrists & don't move to Canada. We need you here. (Anyway, your U.S. dollars are worth almost nothing on the world market at this point—laughing stock we would be if everyone weren't so terrorized by this guy).
After his "humbled" b.s., it was back to business for President Smirky. At his press conference, Dubya said he was ready to spend his new "political capital" & promised "to promote freedom and democracy" in the Middle East. Iraq is bracing itself for what he's got in mind. In a field hospital outside Fallujah, Marines unloaded racks of body bags in preparation for the assault. Heavy explosions were heard in Baghdad as a government spokesman declared a 60-day state of emergency throughout most of the country.
W. didn't mention his plans to stuff the supreme court with Jesus-freaks here in the states. Maybe he didn't have to.
Some optimistic (in-denial?) progressive commentators say 'don't worry--he'll ditch his base of born-again Klansmen 'cause he doesn't need their votes anymore. He'll go back to playing golf and paying off his other base--the ones who could give two shits about fundie "moral values" as long as they're making a profit. He'll leave Roe v. Wade alone. He'll start thinking about "legacy" instead of eating your civil rights for breakfast.' Doubt it. But even if ol' Dubya's new administration ditches the poor suckers who thought he'd lead 'em through the end times & up to the pearly gates, what his rich-boy friends are making a profit on is this pre-emptive isolationist warmongering crusade & environmental demolition.
Post-11/2 organizing starts now. If you're in Portland, some mothers of revolution are getting together this Tuesday Nov. 9 to strategize. Email for details. If you’ve got other stuff going on--or ideas—don't be shy! Post 'em here.
Kick ass
Have faith
Make books
Play music
Feed people
Fall in love
Smash the state
Audit the election
Speak truth to power
Get out of the military
Life without psychopharms
Each according to her ability
Resistance is the secret of joy
In his victory speech, Dubya claimed to be "humbled." Humbled? Someone needs to slap that spoiled little imbecile.
In Kerry's concession, he called for unity and healing. WTF? Like 'hey--let's just continue the genocide in Iraq, go out for some afternoon gay-bashing, and then shake hands’? As Osha Neumann put it, "This is no time for unity. It's the beginning of a life-and-death struggle."
So don't slit your wrists & don't move to Canada. We need you here. (Anyway, your U.S. dollars are worth almost nothing on the world market at this point—laughing stock we would be if everyone weren't so terrorized by this guy).
After his "humbled" b.s., it was back to business for President Smirky. At his press conference, Dubya said he was ready to spend his new "political capital" & promised "to promote freedom and democracy" in the Middle East. Iraq is bracing itself for what he's got in mind. In a field hospital outside Fallujah, Marines unloaded racks of body bags in preparation for the assault. Heavy explosions were heard in Baghdad as a government spokesman declared a 60-day state of emergency throughout most of the country.
W. didn't mention his plans to stuff the supreme court with Jesus-freaks here in the states. Maybe he didn't have to.
Some optimistic (in-denial?) progressive commentators say 'don't worry--he'll ditch his base of born-again Klansmen 'cause he doesn't need their votes anymore. He'll go back to playing golf and paying off his other base--the ones who could give two shits about fundie "moral values" as long as they're making a profit. He'll leave Roe v. Wade alone. He'll start thinking about "legacy" instead of eating your civil rights for breakfast.' Doubt it. But even if ol' Dubya's new administration ditches the poor suckers who thought he'd lead 'em through the end times & up to the pearly gates, what his rich-boy friends are making a profit on is this pre-emptive isolationist warmongering crusade & environmental demolition.
Post-11/2 organizing starts now. If you're in Portland, some mothers of revolution are getting together this Tuesday Nov. 9 to strategize. Email for details. If you’ve got other stuff going on--or ideas—don't be shy! Post 'em here.
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