Jul 10, 2009


the assignment was to walk my neighborhood
and take 5 pictures. just 5.

this is my girlfriend's bike. her last bike got
crushed on the summer solstice, along with
the baby seat, while it was locked to another
'no parking' sign outside our house. coming
home to see the bike mangled under someone's
minivan, and the baby seat too, made me think
we should leave town.

i walk under this underpass every day,
but i've never noticed this sign before.
what does it mean?

i love the way you can be in any little podunk corner
of town and a train track makes the space instantly
urban. the kids honor it as urban with their paint.

if we leave town, i will miss the co-op, and the little
juice stand in front of it, even if it takes a while to
get your juice sometimes because the girl walks away
and picks the ingredients from a garden down the
street to make your juice.

i think if we leave i will miss the ease
with which things grow here.


Blogger http://jennyforrester.com/blog/ said...

Don't LEAVE!!!


5:25 PM  
Anonymous Sarah Joyce Bryant said...

The pictures are really great. I want to be where you are. It looks amazing! Oh, the fresh juice sounds SO yummy!

7:21 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

where are you thinking of going?

I used to think of *going* a lot of the time until I realized there is no real place to go. DD went to LA for 9 days and thinks California is sooooo beautiful but its easier to think here, and go to school, although its easier to be happy there.

when I was in north carolina, last time, the trees freaked me out. the kids were protesting in front of city hall, back in baltimore, and I knew my home was here.

still I like to get out sometimes. and maybe not forever. but here is where I am.

I would like to be by the sea more, thought.

10:14 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

wait - that was me! china! (signed in under the last person on heres account)

10:16 AM  
Anonymous franciszka said...

i used to live by that train bridge! i miss it.
thank you for the 5 visual details.

and thank you so much for the work that you do. for yourself. for the 'queer community'. for the writing community. for the human community. and all the places these communities intersect.
it is contagious, you know, your writerly brilliance.

12:32 PM  
Blogger Yvette said...

i know what you mean. about leaving. I sometimes think about it, leaving, but then, where to go where to go?

we have friends, great places and things to do with kids, good food, good yoga, beach a couple hours drive away (close enough to get to but not to distract). but alas, not juice bar. not even one let alone one that picks your ingredients when you order.

my friends Amy and Wade just moved to P-land from Brooklyn (not your brooklyn). I'm telling her to contact you and M to say hello.

9:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you have a wonderful site!

11:07 AM  

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