Oct 26, 2005

Hey, look!


Blogger Cornelia Read said...

Hi Ariel,

Congrats on this much-deserved nomination, AND on your latest book deal. Just saw the Publisher's Marketplace announcement on Frances Dinkelspiel's GHOST WORD blog, and very much look forward to reading HOW TO BECOME A FAMOUS WRITER BEFORE YOU'RE DEAD the moment it hits stores. Only bummer is I wish it was out already, as I could use a little guidance in that area.

As always, it's great to see someone who was such a cool little kid turn out to be such a cool grownup--you've always rocked!

Hugs to you from a long-time admirer,


6:57 PM  
Blogger Lone Star Ma said...

I thought you were writing a novel, Ariel! I can't wait to read, this. (The novel, too.)

9:48 AM  
Blogger Contact said...

I was writing a novel. I did write a novel! The Traveling Death and Resurrection Show is coming out this spring. As for this new book . . . it's not exactly written yet. So it'll be another little while coming.

10:37 AM  

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